Tile Repair

Damaged tiles not only can cause physical damage, they can also turn into a health concern.

Tile Repair

Damaged tiles and grout are unsightly. What’s more, it can become a hazard for anyone walking on it.

Dangers of Broken Tiles

Broken tiles are extremely sharp. Walking barefoot on them can result in a bad cut. This holds true for toddlers learning to walk and can even hurt your pet’s paws. Let alone what can happen to a guest that doesn’t realize that there are broken tiles.

Further Damage

Cracked tiles and grout can cause further damage to the floor. Water can seep in under and cause structural damage. It is also highly likely that mold can start to grow thus creating a health hazard.

bathroom tile restoration
bathroom tile grout repair

the best in Tile Repair

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Why Does this Happen?

Tiles contract and expand over time. This forces the tiles to press up against each other. Eventually the grout is the first to give way due to the nature that the tile is a more durable material.

Time Matters

As we mentioned, mold can form and the subfloor can even be weakened. Surrounding tiles and grout will receive extra stress when the damaged tiles start to shift around. This is especially true in damp environments like kitchens and bathrooms.

Repairing the Damage

Repairing damaged tile is a relatively easy fix, but that also matters on the extent of the damage. There are many do-it-yourself kits at your local hardware store. You always think of hiring a professional to do the job. They will be able to do the job properly and even be able to foresee future problems that might occur.

Distefano Tile Restoration has been serving Venice, Sarasota and surrounding areas for over 30 years. Call or contact us and we can go over the steps and measures we take in order to get your tile and grout back to the shape it was the day it was installed.

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